There is some kind of obsession among Indians with online data entry jobs. They firmly believe that work at home moms and ads do nothing else other than doing online typing work or do copy-paste work in online forms.
I know of companies outsourcing data entry work to cut costs of having an onsite employee. The most popular data entry work that is outsourced is entering data into a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel.
Databases of mailing addresses, rewriting huge product catalogues and library books catalogues are some of the data entry work that is outsourced.
These kinds of data entry tasks demand near 100% accuracy. But I know it is a Herculean task to achieve even 96% accuracy. This is where people get frustrated because either their work is completely rejected or paid at much lower rate than agreed.
Some time ago, I was asked to assist a friend of mine who got a fairly big data entry job that involved compiling spreadsheets with business names and contact information. I believe even the original data itself was bought online.
Usually, the pay rate for data entry jobs is abysmally low; it may be just a few cents per line. So, unless, a data entry person completes the job in lightening speed, the remuneration is not attractive.
There was an elderly lady, actually a retired teacher who pestered my to get her a data entry work so that she could work from her home. When I asked her if she has an Internet connection, she said no.
Online data entry and form filling work requires you to have a broadband connection, a good printer and fax machine etc. These are the essential requirements for data entry jobs.
Aspiring data entry workers who have not done this work at all previously don’t probably realize how monotonous it is to sit and type at home for more than 8 hours a day.
Data entry workers should know what their typing speed is before even think f applying for data entry work. Also, it is not advisable to outsource your work.
Remember, there are not many legitimate online data entry jobs. So, first look for part time data entry jobs before considering working full time as a home typist.
I will post about a few online data entry jobs here that are genuine. Keep watching this blog.
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